My goodness when did that happen?? People must actually look at my blog and read my ramblings??
I really want to get back to my quote a day. If you have a good one then share it with me!
Here is 5 beauties to get me started again.
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
If you cannot find happiness along the road, you will not find it at the end of the road.
Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.
Enthusiasm is contagious – start an epidemic.
Success is a journey, not a destination.
With those thoughts I bid you goodnight.
Welcome to my little part of blogdom! I would like it to be a reflection of my real life - filled with so many things. This is what my days are filled with craft, sewing, photography, organic gardening, homeschooling, then there is housework!!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I've been tagged.....
Thank you Stephanie!! I have to say 5 things.....
What was I doing ten years ago?
1. Loving my 4 year old and 6 month old sons
2. Living in the only town ( out of the 12 I have lived in) that I didn’t like!
3. Being a stay at home Mum all year
4. Subjecting my first born to the icky world of Kindergarten
5. Enjoying playgroup friendships
Five things currently on my to-do list
1. Save money for an overseas trip
2. Continue to enjoy my scrapbooking
3. Get the vege patch under control again.
4. Join the gym
5. Lose more weight
Five things I would do if I was a billionaire
1. Buy investments
2. Take my family on a long around the world trip
3. Have a house in the country,
4. Have an apartment in the city
5. Have a house on the headland of a beautiful beach
Five of my bad habits
1. Take on too much
2. Eat when bored
3. Not listening intently all the time
4. Forgetting to blog5
. Not backing up my precious photos
Five places I have lived
1. Toowoomba, Qld
2. Townsville, Qld
3. Quilpie, Qld
4. St George, Qld
5. Biloela, Qld
Five jobs that I have
1. Primary School Teacher
2. Bookkeeper
3. Family Day Care Co-Ordinator
4. Petrol Pump Attendant
5. Mother
Now I tag Susy, Mish, Pip, Donna, Susan C.
What was I doing ten years ago?
1. Loving my 4 year old and 6 month old sons
2. Living in the only town ( out of the 12 I have lived in) that I didn’t like!
3. Being a stay at home Mum all year
4. Subjecting my first born to the icky world of Kindergarten
5. Enjoying playgroup friendships
Five things currently on my to-do list
1. Save money for an overseas trip
2. Continue to enjoy my scrapbooking
3. Get the vege patch under control again.
4. Join the gym
5. Lose more weight
Five things I would do if I was a billionaire
1. Buy investments
2. Take my family on a long around the world trip
3. Have a house in the country,
4. Have an apartment in the city
5. Have a house on the headland of a beautiful beach
Five of my bad habits
1. Take on too much
2. Eat when bored
3. Not listening intently all the time
4. Forgetting to blog5
. Not backing up my precious photos
Five places I have lived
1. Toowoomba, Qld
2. Townsville, Qld
3. Quilpie, Qld
4. St George, Qld
5. Biloela, Qld
Five jobs that I have
1. Primary School Teacher
2. Bookkeeper
3. Family Day Care Co-Ordinator
4. Petrol Pump Attendant
5. Mother
Now I tag Susy, Mish, Pip, Donna, Susan C.
An award...
for little ole me!! Goodness gracious me! Can you tell I am a little overwhelmed?? Here it is.....

It is the Arte Y Pico Award. The idea is now that you have been awarded it - you have to pass it on to 5 other bloggers that inspire you. The website it comes from www.arteypico.blogspot is in Spanish, but it is to mean creativity and art.
So here's to my 5 choices - Unreal lady with 7 sons and so creative inspiring everyday someone I knew awhile ago and so creative love her workshops love her ideas and artistic ability
Congratulations ladies!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Anzac Day
Today was another proud day for Daniel. He marched with the other Cub and
Joey Scouts in the Anzac Day March, then he was the one chosen to lay the wreath at the memorial. You can just make him out, with the hat on, putting the wreath down.
Gregory did a great job taking lots of photos for me. He took nearly 100 - he is
a photographer in the making. This is Daniel and I after the service was over
and we were heading home. I can't believe my 10 year old son is nearly as
tall as me!! Eekk!!
So now I am up to date with our family events!! Just have to put some quotes up and I will be all done!
Cheers til later!
more party
Everyone was sitting around in a big circle so I broke them up to play cards games and some to do craft. Probably should have left them as then I realised I had split up the group into my bank friends and my craft friends.
Maryann and Di having a serious game of Quarx!! Required a lot of deep concentration!!
Jane making a card and doing some serious chatting too!
Then Tanya decided it was time to play some silly games - she wanted desperately to play celebrity head, so Maria went first against her. It was hilarious fun! Here is Maria as Bette Midler!!
After that we played charades - all this nonsense without any alcohol - amazing!!!
Thanks girls for a wonderful night!
My birthday....
I had an absolutely brilliant birthday this year!!
I was 45 on April 11!
Officially middle aged and if this is the middle of my life I have got an awful long time to go and plenty of time to do so much more!!
Daniel baked me a cake. He made me buy a packet mix so that he could do it all himself, so I chose a nice plain butter cake but, of course he had to cover it in in Chocolate Icing!! How he loves his chocolate!!
Paula and Adele gave him some cute little animal candles to put on top of it, so the elephant was front and centre on the cake and my beanie kid Naughton the elephant was in pride of place next to the cake
The three boys went out for the night so that I could have an all girls coffee, cake and craft night. It was great fun.
This is Tanya and Sharon, being silly as usual!! Sharon wore her jammies as she had been told it was a sleepover!!!
Susy was a hairdresser in a past life, so she couldn't resist doing some hairstyling for Pixie.
Paula, Di and Maryann must be listening carefully to someone across the other side of the room!!
Watlzing Matilda
Night at our end of term 1 get together at Scouts. The Cub Scouts had been doing a theme on Early Australia so we finished the Term with Waltzing Maltilda.
This is Daniel making himself a swaggie hat. I think Andrew was watching as Daniel probably didn't want any parent help!
The finished product! I had not been able to source enough corks so we improvised and used minties - another good old aussie invention!!!
The kids had a go at swinging the billy to make a cup of tea. Think the bucket was a tad too big for the kids. Most of them ended up on the ground with the billy beside them!!
Then it was goodnight and have a great holiday for the kids. South Australia was lucky that the kids got 2 weeks of holidays.
Dolphins are tricky to photograph!!
This is the best shot I got of them
My boy on the beach with a ball - my attempt at some creative photography!! I love it so that is all that matters, hey??
This was our last day and it was the first day that the sun shone brightly enough for us to spent some serious beach time. I sat and nattered with the adults while Daniel played with his f
The beach on the other side of Point Roadknight. So beautiful I could have sat and watched the water all day. I love walking and sitting at the beach but am not real fond of getting in the water! Weird huh??
Well I can safely say that we all had a ball and will be back for the 2009 Camp!!
Seals, seals, seals...
This was the first stop on the boat trip. I can't remember what is was called but the people snorkelling jumped off and swam around the rocks to see all the under water wildlife, while the rest of us watched the seal sleeping and the birds playing.
This big fella just lay on the rock the whole time - except when he decided to try another spot - turned completely around and ended up back in exactly the same place and promptly went back to sleep again.
These birds were having a good old kiss and cuddle up on the post. I took lots of photos but this is my favourite - don't they look great!?
We then moved further out into Port Phillip Bay to a seal colony. We knew when we had found it as the stink was unbelievable!! It was a boys only camp so you can imagine the stench!! Luckily the boat operator parked the boat upwind so we could watch them. When the snorkellers jumped into the water and started splashing around some of the seals dived in to have a swim with them
I love this photo of the younger seal using another seal for a pillow! Isn't he a cutie!?
Still here...
Where have I been I hear you asking.... It is 25 days since my last blog and I am sorry.
So to make up for it - grab a cup/glass of your favourite beverage and I will begin updating for the month of April.
April the first marked our 3 year anniversary of driving out of Queensland to start our new life in South Australia!
It was also the day we drove over to Anglesea, south of Geelong on the Great Ocean Road for the annual Anglesea Homeschool Camp. We had a great week, sharing a house with 2 other Mums and their 5 children. The house was very close to where all the other homeschooling families were staying at the Araluen Camp site, which made it a wonderful thing for Gregory who was able to be very independent and come and go as he pleased. This left just myself and Daniel for me to worry about and anyone that know Daniel knows that he is very easy to get along with, so a fun week was had by all. Thanks to Dora, Kai, Rosie, Robyn, Angus, Hamish and Eric for sharing our week with us! And now some photos from the week.
Gregory out in the canoe paddling like crazy!
Daniel with his friends Zac and Chris.
Daniel and I had the opportunity to go out on a boat in Port Phillip Bay to see the seals and dolphins. I was so excited and impressed to actually see them both. I was sure the dolphins would have heard I was coming and dived down to the deep sea!! Stay tuned for more photos.....
So to make up for it - grab a cup/glass of your favourite beverage and I will begin updating for the month of April.
April the first marked our 3 year anniversary of driving out of Queensland to start our new life in South Australia!
It was also the day we drove over to Anglesea, south of Geelong on the Great Ocean Road for the annual Anglesea Homeschool Camp. We had a great week, sharing a house with 2 other Mums and their 5 children. The house was very close to where all the other homeschooling families were staying at the Araluen Camp site, which made it a wonderful thing for Gregory who was able to be very independent and come and go as he pleased. This left just myself and Daniel for me to worry about and anyone that know Daniel knows that he is very easy to get along with, so a fun week was had by all. Thanks to Dora, Kai, Rosie, Robyn, Angus, Hamish and Eric for sharing our week with us! And now some photos from the week.
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